To calculate how many Cubic Yards of material is needed for your project
enter the length and width in feet, the depth in inches and hit Calculate:

Length in feet
Width in feet
Depth in inches

Cubic yards needed

Note: This Calculator figures the amount of product you will need in Cubic Yards which is an area measurement and generally a more accurate way to determine how much product you will need.

A Cubic Yard is a measure of volume equaling 3' x 3' x 3'

A Ton is a measure of weight. For more information about Coverage Rates and Weights see below.

Coverage Rates & Weights
Below are some coverage rates and weights to assist you in determining how much materail you may need for your project. Please note that these are approximate and will vary by product.

1 Cubic Yard of dry Dirt is approximately 2,000 lbs. or one ton (this weight will increase significantly when product is wet).

1 Yard of Dirt will cover approximately 324 square feet at a 1 inch depth.


1 Cubic Yard of dry Mulch can weigh between 600 to 800 lbs. or up to half a ton (Note: this weight will increase significantly when product is wet).

1 Yard of Mulch will cover approximately 100 square feet at a 3 inch depth.


1 Cubic Yard of Sand can weigh between 2,600 to 3,000 lbs. or up to one and a half tons approximately.

1 Ton of Sand will cover between 80 to 100 square feet at a 2 inch depth approximately.


1 Cubic Yard of Gravel can weigh between 2,400 to 2,900 lbs. or up to one and a half tons approximately.

1 Ton of Gravel will cover between 80 to 120 square feet at a 2 inch depth approximately.